Halloween Crafts

Halloween Centerpiece – Free Halloween Crafts

This fun centerpiece can be arranged in a number of ways and will add a Halloween touch to any table for years to come.

Halloween Centerpiece

What you will need:

1. Small wooden wheelbarrow
2. Brown, orange and green paint
3. Paintbrush
4. Salt
5. Flour
6. Water
7. Measuring cups
8. Mixing bowl
9. Wooden spoon
10. Fake fall leaves


1. Begin by painting the wooden wheelbarrow brown.

2. Let paint dry.

3. While paint is drying mix together one cup of salt, one cup of flour and a half a cup of water with the wooden spoon in the mixing bowl.

4. If the dough is too wet to handle like clay add more flour.

5. Now shape the dough into various sized pumpkins, small enough to fit inside the wooden wheelbarrow.

6. Place the dough pumpkins on a cookie sheet covered with foil.

7. When you have used all of the dough, turn the oven on to 150 degrees and put the pumpkins in the oven. This will dry the dough. Check on it often.

8. While the dough is drying add another coat of paint to the wheelbarrow if needed.

9. When the pumpkins are hard remove them from the oven and turn off the oven.

10. Let the pumpkins cool, then paint them orange.

11. Paint the stems of the pumpkin green.

12. Allow the paint to dry.

13. Place the fake leaves in the center of the table, put the wheelbarrow on top of the leaves and then arrange the pumpkins in the wheelbarrow and around the wheelbarrow.